7 Ways Google Bard AI Will Affect SEO In The Future 

7 Ways Google Bard AI Will Affect SEO In The Future 

7 Ways Google Bard AI Will Affect SEO In The Future 

You must have undoubtedly heard of AI, ChatGPT and now Google Bard AI, also you must have heard that SEO is gradually fading away due to Google’s newest artificial intelligence algorithm, Bard. It is a fact that the advent of Google Bard has been creating quite a stir in the SEO community, with some experts saying it means the death of SEO while others say it will bring SEO into the next phase of development.

It is also believed that as technology advances, SEO will continue to change, especially due to Google’s AI-powered BARD and Microsoft Bing’s AI-powered ranking criteria, the SEO environment is expected to experience substantial changes in the upcoming years.

7 Ways Google Bard AI Will Affect SEO In The Future 

One of the most important impacts that AI has had on SEO is the transition toward a more conversational search experience. Because of this, search engines will emphasize contextual comprehension and natural language processing more to produce more accurate and relevant results. For instance, Google’s AI Bard enables the search engine to more accurately interpret a user’s query and provide more pertinent and customized results.

What is AI all about?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the capacity of a digital computer or robot operated by a computer to carry out actions frequently performed by intelligent beings. The phrase is widely used in the effort to create artificial intelligence (AI) systems that possess human-like cognitive abilities like the capacity for reasoning, meaning-finding, generalization, and experience-based learning. 

It has been proven over time that computers can be programmed to perform extremely complicated tasks like finding proofs for mathematical theorems or playing chess with remarkable proficiency ever since the development of the digital computer in the 1940s. 

Hence, improvement has been made to the idea of the conventional computer more specifically once through new program development and improvement on the previous ones, and over time there has been improvement upon improvement on computers and programming. 

Recently, OpenAI came up with a more sophisticated AI which can reason and give answers in a more human-like way. This OpenAI was released on 30 November 2022 and was referred to as the ChatGPT.

Shortly after the birth of ChatGPT, a sizable language model introduced by OpenAI, it soon became a well-liked AI because of its capacity to produce human-like responses to a variety of inquiries from various fields. 

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The capability of ChatGPT to comprehend the query’s context and produce pertinent answers was regarded as a significant development in the field of AI. Hence, everyone used the tool frequently, from marketing teams to students due to its ability to give direct answers to queries.

Due to the widespread use of this AI chat tool, ChatGPT had an impact on the entire IT sector and compelled Google to respond rapidly. Google, in response, quickly unveiled Bard, as its response to the well-known AI chat tool, after seeing the potential and capabilities of a product like ChatGPT.

What is Bard?

Bard is another form of AI created basically for search purposes. This AI, the Bard, was created with search in mind, hence, It seeks to make it possible for more natural language queries to be accepted as search terms making it easier for researchers to input their queries with an expectation to receive a human-like response. 

This is the umbrella term for content-generating AI models like ChatGPT and DALL-E. While generative AIs can produce images, audio, and video, Bard, an AI chatbot, is more interested in producing text that responds to your inquiries in a friendly and conversational manner.

Bard is also referred to as a large language model (LLM), which is a general word. Massive volumes of text have been fed to this kind of neural network to train it to understand natural language. One constraint and a major reason ChatGPT believes it’s yet 2021 is the training data. 

The AI essentially started speaking after that. Bard may have comparable internal problems, but it makes up for this through its interaction with Google Search making it more recent.

The artificial intelligence (AI) of Bard is honed using conversations that sound natural. It gives context to the responses rather than just a list of answers. It is also intended to assist with follow-up inquiries such as new search terms.

Bard might appear to be a product that was hurried to market given the timing to compete with ChatGPT 4’s launch. But in 2017, Google opened up access to its Transformer deep learning model, which served as the foundation for ChatGPT and other LLMs. Google’s Language Model for Dialogue Applications (LaMDA), which was made available in 2021, powers Bard. Therefore, the new tool from OpenAI and Google have a similar history, although Bard has been in development for many years.

The first set of Bard used a lighter-model version of LaMDA, which scales to more concurrent users with less computer power. By utilizing the PaLM language model, Bard can respond to user questions in a more visually appealing manner.

Bard aims to bring together the depth of human knowledge with the strength, wit, and inventiveness of our massive language models. It uses data from the internet to deliver original, excellent answers. Bard can serve as a creative release and a springboard for inquiry, enabling you to impart new scientific findings from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope to a 9-year-old or learn more about the top football strikers of the moment before receiving training to hone your abilities.

What is Google Bard?

An AI chatbot called Google Bard is comparable to ChatGPT in that it uses a language model to communicate with users. However, Google Bard was initially trained to be conversational, using Language Model for Dialogue Applications (LaMDA). But today, it also makes use of Pathways Language Model 2 (PaLM 2) to support some of Google Bard’s more sophisticated capabilities, such as coding and multimodal search. 

It’s a natural language processing (NLP) system built on artificial intelligence (AI) that has been developed to better comprehend difficult queries and produce more accurate search results. In other words, it enables Google to more accurately determine the purpose of a user’s search and present more pertinent results making search easier and more accurate. This represents a significant shift from conventional keyword-based search algorithms and has important ramifications for SEO going forward.

In other words, Google Bard is an AI-powered chatbot solution that uses machine learning and natural language processing to mimic human conversations. Bard can be implemented into websites, messaging services, or applications to answer user inquiries in a realistic, natural language manner in addition to enhancing Google search.

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After the announcement of Google Bard and giving the edge it has over ChatGPT many wanted to shift to it. However, the number of users who could use Google Bard was based on a waitlist’s queue. But Google revealed at Google I/O 2023 that Bard was now accessible to everyone, which encompasses 180 nations and territories worldwide.

Additionally, Bard is now accessible in Korean and Japanese, with support for up to 40 languages coming soon, according to Google. This will make it more sought after as it will make translation easier and search more accurate.

In essence, it promises to fundamentally alter the search model that we are accustomed to and provide correct results for more complex search queries, giving understanding to issues that defy easy resolution.

Google Bard continues to be referred to as an “experiment,” although it is now readily accessible for anybody to begin using.

How does Google Bard AI affect SEO? 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has significantly influenced SEO over the years. Since the introduction of Google’s RankBrain, machine learning, and AI have been utilized to personalize and adjust various factors that influence webpage rankings. This evolution has notably curtailed the effectiveness of manipulative SEO techniques that were designed to exploit search engine algorithms. 

While not all SEO professionals employed these questionable tactics, the shift led to a more calculated and strategic approach to SEO targeting. Instead of relying on short-term strategies or specific tools, SEO professionals now adopt a more comprehensive perspective to have an edge over AI as it has its machine deficiencies. 

Here Are 7 Ways Google Bard  AI Will Affect SEO in The Future (Updated)

Some of how Google Bard AI will affect SEO include:

1. Enhanced data presentation

2. Easy depiction of audience desire

3. Easy detection of word reputation 

4. Develop Quality & Factual Content

5. Regular Update of your Content 

6. Limiting SEO to Google Bard AI

7. Focus on User Engagement and Community Management

1. Enhanced Data Presentation: 

The first on our list of ways by which Google Bard AI will affect SEO is through enhanced data. Using AI to help understand, process, and structure data. By analyzing vast volumes of data, AI-based Insights help SEOs focus on the things that drive the biggest significance. 

Hence it will serve as a guide towards knowing the areas where content users need more detail which in turn will make you improve the user’s experience by providing clear and visually appealing data presentation and encouraging users to spend more time on your site. This will in turn reduce the bounce rates and signal to search engines that your content is valuable 

2. Easy Depiction of Audience Desire: 

The next on our list of ways Google Bard AI will affect SEO is through the easy depiction of Audience Desire. Due to the ability of Google Bard AI to give Human responses, it can easily understand how humans relate with search engines, allowing it to rate Google high.

AI can also utilize data-led insights to understand how users interact with search engines and websites. For example, user intent, conversational type keywords and measuring performance in terms of driving traffic, engagement conversions, and revenue, Integration with digital media channels, and shifting beyond a silo. 

Meaning that It is not just SEOs who use its insights. Digital, content-paid, and general marketers base strategies on macro-level insights to understand how consumer behaviour in different markets changes. 

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Hence, you can employ this strategy in depicting audience desire, and simplify content alignment with search intent resulting in higher engagement, longer dwelling times, and reduced bounce rate, these positive user signals can improve search rankings. 

In addition, relevant content encourages social sharing and backlinks, enhancing SEO performance through authority and visibility referencing.

3. Easy detection of word reputation: 

Easy detection of word reputation is the next on our list of ways Google Bard AI affects SEO. Adoption of automation to remove repetitive and mundane tasks to allow SEOs to scale their operations and skill-sets in content and marketing while being more efficient makes SEO works void of unnecessary reputation, enhancing a better result or output. 

This maintains content quality, aligns with search intent, and attracts trustworthy backlinks. Also improved keyword credibility and relevance positively impact search rankings and user trust, enhancing overall effectiveness, which in turn will enhance longer dwelling time on your site, reducing bounce rate and sending out positive signals to users, improving the search ranking of your site.    

4. Develop Quality & Factual Content: 

it is true that with the advent of Google Bard AI content can be created quickly due to the fact that AI can come up with human-like content but it might not be factual taking a hint from Google’s official statement that website material will be important for users who wish to get a different viewpoint or double-check Bard’s initial output’s accuracy.

Hence, it has been noticed that while ChatGPT provides well-structured, easily accessible content, it is not always factually accurate and this does not stop the AI tool from presenting information that way, frequently with such confidence as to confuse a non-technical user.

As a result of this, SEO professionals can give finishing torches on content generated by AI. Because of this, creating factual and thoroughly researched material will probably be essential for future ranking outcomes and website traffic which is the desire of every SEO professional.

Although Google sort of laid the groundwork for this, and now that they have made their latest announcement, it reveals that there is room for updating but human intellect is required in creating some content if you want it to be factual, accurate, and timely.

5. Regular Update of your Content: 

Google Bard can easily access a very large number of materials with a snip of the finger but professional SEOs still lack confirmation about the breadth of knowledge Bard will be taught and whether it can access new content to offer its solutions.

As an illustration, ChatGPT was trained using a sizable amount of text data up to 2021. This indicates that it has been taught to respond based on the data available at the moment. As a result, ChatGPT is unable to access the most recent data and insights that become available after 2021.

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If so, it will be essential to update your outdated content with fresh, current information to avoid having the search engine consider it to be out-of-date. For instance,  There are some area of life or articles that revolve as the world revolve and hence needs timely updating, in this area, SEO can update on such, which will give SEO an advantage, especially for those who wish to fact-check the facts, this strategy will probably make your material stand out in the search results after Bard-generated content.

6. Limiting SEO to Google Bard AI

This is another way by which Google Bard AI will Affect SEO. It is true that language prediction model-using tools have been around for a long, like content writing emanates and content marketers are increasingly relying on them to expedite the generation of their content, even if they haven’t garnered the same notice as ChatGPT.

AI might not likely harm your SEO efforts if you use them to some level. But once Google’s AI is implemented, content that was entirely generated using the same or a comparable language prediction model will probably become out of date. To recognize and penalize such content produced by other tools, Google will undoubtedly strive to promote its own AI solution. Hence SEO should try not to limit itself to Google Bard alone but to appreciate more human intellect as Google Bard and other AI might not be fully up to date.

7. Focus on User Engagement and Community Management

The next on our list of ways that Google Bard AI will affect SEO is in the area of Focus on User Engagement and Community Management. 

The latest advancement in AI technology may make user engagement and community management more crucial than ever. This is so that users can have a deeper grasp of a topic and a greater level of trust in the content by getting context and perspectives from real people putting into consideration real human perceptions of things in a given community.

This means that instead of depending just on a single source, consumers can be more inclined to believe material that has been verified or commented on by other users. Additionally, some people could place more faith in the information provided by real humans than an AI or an algorithm; in this situation, SEO will have the upper edge over Google Bard. In other words, the advent of Google Bard AI will give SEO more attention as people will prefer human-generated material compared to AI. 

It has been discovered that people trust Reddit more than Google when looking for materials that provide real solutions, which is proof of this. We believe that this is why most seasoned users add “Reddit” to their search terms to receive a reliable response.

As a result, encouraging user participation through social media, forums like Reddit or Discord, and other types of communication can help you establish yourself as a trustworthy and dependable source of information in this era of AI. Hence, you will be ranked high for diverse search queries

How To use Google Bard AI?

The only version of Google Bard that is currently accessible is an experimental test version. Register for early access on Google’s website if you want to give it a try. Although there is a queue, most applicants are granted access within a day or two. However, Google has promised to give access to more people as many are craving to gain access to it.

Google Bard utilizes a simplified variant of LaMDA for testing, enabling Google to make the prerelease version of the tool more accessible to a wider audience. During this testing phase, the company hopes to improve Bard’s precision, calibre, and speed.

Hence, when you receive your invite to utilize the new tool, try to familiarize yourself with its idiosyncrasies and restrictions so that you can use Google Bard to discover the information you need in the way that you want it.

Although Bard does not have a specific mobile app that is assigned to it yet, you may still easily access the tool using the browser app on your smartphone or laptop. Google is developing a Bard widget for Google Pixel users that will provide you with quicker access to the tool. Although a release date for this has not yet been announced, however, we anticipate that it will appear on some of the top Android phones soon after it is made accessible to Pixel phones.

Google Search should incorporate Bard once its testing phases are complete. After that, utilizing the function ought to be as easy as typing any query into the search field. When Google provides you with a comprehensive response in plain English rather than a card and a list of links, you will notice that things are different.


An important development that will continue to influence the search environment is the advancement of AI technology and its integration into Google search. Although Bard will probably become more crucial in terms of how users receive information, SEO is unlikely to go away since some queries require more accurate and updated responses, for instance, queries in the area of community management will require timely results which AI might not have due to its training. An example of this is what is experienced in ChatGPT which limits it to 2021. 

In actuality, SEO and AI can complement each other to improve the quality and delivery of information rather than being mutually exclusive.

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