How To Choose A Profitable Online Course In 2024

How To Choose A Profitable Online Course In 2024

How To Choose A Profitable Online Course In 2024

Online Course is a great idea and even a profitable one when it is done properly. This implies that you need a successful idea if you want to launch an online course business. You need to learn how to select the best idea, and this article will take you through the stages as well as the things to consider to make your online courses profitable.

Online courses have a double dose of benefits when done correctly. First, online courses can help you generate needed income and secondly, it makes you an influencer as your online courses will shape the life of those that took up the course.

We believe that you don’t want to make just any course, after all, if it is not selling and no one buys it. However, developing a profitable route necessitates a strategy, and it is not difficult once you understand what you want to do. 

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All you need to do is figure out a problem and proffer a solution to the discovered problem.

Choosing a profitable online course is all about determining which of the solutions you find to address difficulties that humanity face every day at work and in their personal life. 

However, you are not required to generate an entirely new concept. It is unnecessary to create new things because nothing is new under the sun but instead enhances the current state of affairs. 

How to define a profitable online course idea

It is not all online courses that are profitable hence one needs to take a deep check on the ideas before venturing into it. There are 3 stages of defining an online course idea and there are as follows:

1.  Concept Generation

Brainstorming is a simple first step in coming up with ideas for profitable online courses.

It is quite perplexing how many aspiring teachers merely design courses based on their ideas without doing any background research on the subjects.

The genuinely great ideas ultimately find their way to the top, but even then, they still require further development and refinement. Right now, quantity is more important than quality.

2. Verification

At this stage, you ought to have a comprehensive list of possible course topics and you will now have to verify these course concepts to pick the most profiting one from the list that you have.

For your course to fetch you money, you need students who are prepared to pay for your idea. Before deciding at this point, it would also be advantageous if you thought about how you want to drive traffic to your sales page.

At this stage, it will be profitable to You if you take the time to investigate your rivals in several ways and aspects to prepare better especially if you are just launching your online course. This research stage will support your online course validation.

At this verification stage, you will need to identify your target audience. Knowing your target is just as important as determining whether or not they will purchase your course. On the other hand, knowing your target audience will give you an idea of the type of course you should package for them and this will help you a lot in your online course decision.

At this stage, you will take a closer look at the suggested online courses you have listed and start ranking the courses to determine which has the best chance of succeeding.

3. Enhancement

The next stage is the enhancement stage. At this stage, you ought to now have a list of potential online course concepts that have undergone validation.

At this point, you have to decide on a single idea around which to base your online course content. To provide users with an adequate amount of content, you might also need to think about expanding or contracting the subject matter of your course.

Should you find no businesses, no internet forums where your intended audience congregates, and no sponsored advertisements, you might want to give the idea another thought.

10 Guilds on How to Choose A profitable Online Course In 2024

To choose a profitable online course, there are several factors to consider. Here are some guidelines to help you make an informed decision:

1. Identify your goals: 

The first step to take to choose a profitable online course is to identify the specific skills or knowledge you want to share from the list of available courses. 

You will have to clarify your objectives and ensure that the course aligns with your goals and area of interest.

Your course topic should be something you are passionate about, even though it doesn’t have to be something you are completely enamoured with. If you pick a subject you’re not enthusiastic about, you’ll get weary of teaching it. 

In identifying your goal you have to consider your past experiences as well as your abilities and capabilities. You can succeed in your chosen course topic without having to pursue a graduate-level career in it. 

A number of the top courses are centred around subjects that you could classify as hobbies.  

The next thing to do is to make a list of everything that comes to mind. As you continue to brainstorm, you will choose a topic after giving it some more thought. 

After you’ve chosen the best one, you must consider your target audience. These are the Individuals who enrol for your online courses because they need assistance moving from one place in their life to another, and your knowledge and experience can make the transition easier.

Selecting a topic that will pique the interest of readers enough so that they can be willing to pay for the knowledge as their payment is crucial.

2. Make sure the market is highly interested in your course idea.

The next stage in how to choose a profitable online course in 2024 is to make sure that the market is highly interested in your course idea.

At this stage, you need to research your course content. Conducting several market research tests is the next stage after selecting your online course topic, or at least reducing your options to two or three. Determining whether there is a market for what you are teaching is the main objective at this stage.

It is important to note the common misconception that springs up among those who create online courses, which is, that the higher the levels of competition indicate a lack of success for such a project. 

Alternatively, fierce rivalry can indicate a healthy demand for that course concept, which makes it an excellent candidate for additional research to see how to scale above others.

3. Provide captivating learning objectives.

 The next on our list is providing captivating learning objectives. Choosing your learning objectives is one of the most important aspects of learning how to make profitable online courses. These are your overarching objectives for the course. 

These give your audience a clear explanation of what they will be able to perform by the end of the course using quantifiable verbs. 

Additionally, ensuring that those clicking “checkout” are buying the appropriate course, can help to ensure that completion and satisfaction rates are higher and refund requests are lower.

Spelling out your learning objectives takes you to the next step of learning how to develop a course to sell: once you have identified your learning outcomes, you can begin concentrating on particular modules and lessons strategizing on how to break your idea into captivating modules. 

4. Consider the course format

At this stage, you have to organize your course curriculum, and modules as well as evaluate the course format, such as video lectures, interactive exercises, quizzes, or assignments. 

At this stage you have to determine if the format suits your course style and preferences, especially putting in focus the profitability of the course.

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If the subject of your course is somewhat more complicated, consider organizing related concepts, ideas, and advice into modules. Next, arrange the lectures in your modules most logically and progressively possible to create a lesson plan that flows.

Additionally, you can decide to create an outline for your course. Outlining your course serves as a road map for your online learners, guiding them from point A to point B. 

Outlining your course will assist you in providing your audience with material in a methodical, systematic manner, building on one skill after another until they feel like experts by the end of your course.

5. Choose the best strategy for each lesson

The next stage is for you to choose the most interesting and successful teaching strategies for each lesson.

To build an online course that is as engaging as possible, you must consider the many available learning styles that exist as well as the best ways to convey the material.

In doing this you have to put the following questions into consideration.

  • Will there include reading, audio, video, and activity content?
  • What kind of images will you be using?
  • Will there be spaces for community learning?
  • How can you make your course interesting and enjoyable?
  • How are you going to support kids who have varying learning styles?

6. Make your online course by recording, editing, and filming.

The best way to achieve your online learning objectives and cater to your audience’s preferred mode of engagement should guide how you present your course. 

It is likely going to be a video approach in 2024, so now is the time to face the camera and press record.

While it might have seemed difficult at the time to put your ideas down on paper and organize them into a course plan, learning new software, creating content, and editing videos are more difficult tasks, but you just need to do it anyway.

If you are a novice in video making and you see the need to make video for your lesson you might consider researching how to make short videos. You can employ the service of freelance editors from most of the popular freelancing platforms such as Upwork, Fiverr, etc. 

7. Create an online learning school/Platform.

This is another important stage on our list of 10 guilds on how to choose A profitable Online Course in 2024

It is very important to have an understanding of what platform or channel to place your lessons as everything depends on where you decide to host your online course. 

Your platform selection will impact a multitude of factors, such as how you receive payments, the types of gamification you can implement, the design of your website, and much more. 

Hence, you must select an online learning environment that meets all of your requirements and ensure that your choice is easy to navigate by your prospective student. 

Naturally, we would suggest Thinkific because it has a free plan and with the free plan, you can establish your first course, have one community, and two community spaces, accept an infinite number of students, and pay no fees for transactions. However, Kujabi, LearnWorlds, and Podia are also excellent options if Thinkific is not enough. 

8. Decide on your pricing strategy.

The next stage on our list of 10  guilds on how to choose A profitable Online Course in 2024 is the pricing decision Stage.

At this stage, you have to decide on what price you want to put per lesson. In doing this you need to have it at the back of your mind that the cost of an online course can vary greatly, from free to thousands of Naira/dollars and you have to take a few factors into account to determine the final cost for your lesson.

These factors are as follows:

  • How does the course affect your financial situation?

You have to understand if the finances from the course are your many sources of income or a passive one

  • Are you offering a membership, a bundle, a community, a stand-alone course, or any combination of these? 

You have to consider here if you are offering a membership course, a bundle, a community, a stand-alone course, or any combination of these.

There are no strict guidelines to follow when determining your pricing plan. However, how much you can charge will depend largely on the quality of the content you produce.

You can check the prices that your rivals are charging as a starting point. You conducted competitor pricing research as part of your market demand validation. 

At this stage, you might decide to set your price higher than the competition if your course is superior to what the competition is currently offering. 

You can also think about updating your course to make it more valuable if it isn’t as comprehensive or offers less compared to the competition.

9. Set out your marketing strategy.

The next stage on our list of 10 guilds to choose a profitable online course in 2024 is to Set out your marketing strategy.

Although you might have done well in all other stages, you will still require a marketing plan long after your course has been launched. 

It is improbable that you will have a steady stream of new students without having to assist them to be aware of your course through effective marketing.

Simply put, the difference between a seven-figure business and zero sales can be attributed to your marketing strategy. So take it seriously.

10. Develop your community

Building your online community should be your main priority during the last stages of creating your course.

What makes one-time customers become devoted, repeat students is your online community. 

Developing a nice community will give room for feedback. Through the community, you can allow your students to ask you questions, share their learning, and provide you with feedback (direct or indirect) on the things your course does well and what it might be lacking by creating an online community. 

How Will You Know If There’s Interest In The Online Course You Have Proposed?

Everyone who wants to start a profitable online course will want to be sure that the topics chosen are relevant to the audience and are up-to-date so that the trainer will have a larger audience. Hence, there is a need to search for relevant topics. This can be achieved through some search engines.

Keyword and subject searches are nothing new to those who have utilized keyword research tools such as Ahrefs, Semrush, or any other SERP software and it is not difficult to learn for those that are not conversant with them.

These applications suggest relevant keywords to you when you enter your topic idea into the search bar. A lot of these applications will also tell you how many individuals look for that term monthly.

Furthermore, the most sophisticated search engines will even inform you how hard it will be to rank for certain terms. Researching the industry is made much easier with the help of these instruments.

In addition to tried-and-true subjects, you can locate popular course topics.

To evaluate how your ideas compare, you may also utilize a keyword tool. A term with a respectable volume of monthly searches is what you want ideally.

Combining broad and specific terms in the same search is good. When someone types in a combination, they may not all be entering the same term in Google searches, but they are certainly entering many different permutations.

It is good to note here that there is undoubtedly more competition when looking for popular themes. Gaining credibility in your market will need effort on your part; this is a necessary aspect of breaking into a well-known industry.


By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision and choose a profitable online course that aligns with your goals and provides value for your students and prospective students.

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