5 Tips To Making Your New Year Resolution Work In 2024

5 Tips To Making Your New Year Resolution Work In 2024

5 Tips To Making Your New Year Resolution Work In 2024

The new year is around the corner and a lot of people will be making some confessions or resolutions about habits they want to drop, goals they want to achieve, and or skills they want to acquire. This is good for the optics but in actual sense, it does not come to reality. They end up being mere confessions of the mouth and this is because certain conditions are not met.

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You cannot stop an addiction or a habit that has lasted for years by just making a simple confession at the beginning of the year and not putting in the effort required to achieve that. Here are 5 tips to help you actualize your New Year’s resolution in 2024.

5 Ways To Make Your New Year Resolution Work

  1. Set Realistic And Achievable Goals
  2. Create the Environment
  3. Start Now don’t wait till the 1st Of January
  4. Create New Distractions or Passion
  5. Record Your Progress

Set Realistic And Achievable Goals

Set goals that will not look like a joke. Such as an ambition that will require time to accomplish. Like saying you wanna be the president of your country without even being a politician or in a party by the end of the year. Realistic goals mean you have a calculation and projection about a visible and reasonable achievement by the end of the year.

Create the Environment

Create an environment that will support your resolution. You could be dealing with an addiction and that will take a lot of effort to conquer. So if it always comes when you are alone try not to be left alone or find yourself in a solitary state to fight the craves. If they are caused by your hanging out with certain friends then you start cutting them off now.

Start! Now don’t wait till the 1st Of January

Start now don’t wait for 1st Jan. The mistake a lot of people make is waiting till it’s first January before they can start. It doesn’t always work that way. When breaking out of an addiction or picking up a new habit you have to start Now and start practicing. When you are used to something for too long it takes time for the body to adjust or reset. So start now

Create New Distractions or Passion

Look for something that will be an alternative to what you want to stop such as a passion or habit. If you want to stop smoking, look for something that can replace your smoking habit like a new passion or skill to distract you. If you always feel like smoking when you are tired then opt for a sleep or something different and stick to it. Yes, it’s not going to be easy at first but start. You might be surprised it won’t be as difficult as it seems.

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Record Your Progress

Always record how far you have gone during the year. Don’t leave any day without tracking your progress. Most alcoholics who are sober, know how many days weeks or months they have been free. That gives you a reason to keep pushing and striving to make it to the end.

In conclusion, it is possible to make a New Year resolution a reality just by being disciplined, dedicated and following these 5 tips. Everybody desires a change for a better year and season, even the best or the richest still want to do better this coming year. Do your best and be diligent you will reap the reward of a wise decision made at the beginning of the New Year.

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